Guess who's back?

by - 1:57 AM

People tend to just begin where they left off, but I prefer to start anew. Hence, the new blog address.
Tak suka lah simpan banyak-banyak benda, meleret-leret bila macam dah tak diperlukan. I do not have that sentimental value feel in me.

Empty bin.
Register new.

I just need a medium to express myself every now and then. Asyik duduk rumah, uruskan suami dan anak-anak, jarang bersosial dengan kawan-kawan; boleh makan diri juga kan? Not that I'm complaining tho. I am now learning to let loose a little to stand by the idea of:

'Life is like a roller coaster. You can either scream at every bumps or throw your hands up and enjoy the ride'.

Motherhood ain't easy. Kerja rumah memang tak akan habis. Now that my girls are 4 and almost 2, lets just hope I will find the time and won't be putting this blog on another hiatus.

I am back in the game!

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