Resepi kuih seri muka

by - 6:14 PM

Who doesn't love kuih talam? husband.

For real, dude. He's a cake guy (or any orang putih punya dessert) and never a kuih/bubur pengat kind-of-guy. Mayesa follows suit.

I, on the other hand, loveeeeee kuih and pengat. So does my second-born, Sofia.
So whenever I feel like having some, I'd buy few pieces(which does not taste good-some of it-compare to it's price) or I just whip up some on my own.

People might think it is hard work, and I used to think the same too. Tapi percayalah, once you start doing one, you'd be doing more. Tak susah, trust me.

Today, I made kuih seri muka enough for our family of 4 (although only Sofia and I will be eating it, and maybe Mayesa will have some of just the glutinous rice base). A simple and quick do, by only using the rice cooker.

I did not take a step-by-step picture, but here's the recipe that I used if you'd like to give it a try.
*This is a quick recipe, hence the easy-ingredients. Jangan pula ada yang kecam sebab tak pakai air perahan pandan ke apa. By all means if you have the time and want a nicer pandan taste/color, you may use the original air perahan pandan and ignore the kaya spread & coloring*

For the base:
1 cawan beras pulut
1 cawan santan
Garam secukup rasa

For the top (custard-like):
1 cawan santan
1/2 cawan gula (boleh kurangkan kalau taknak manis sangat sebab ada campur kaya spread)
2 sudu besar kaya spread
2 sudu besar tepung
1 biji telur
Titis pewarna

1. Basuh beras pulut sampai bersih.
2. Masukkan santan dan garam. Masak dalam rice cooker sehingga pulut lembut. (Boleh tambah air sikit kalau agak-agak santan dah kering tapi pulut tak cukup masak).
3. Pindahkan pulut yang dah masak ke dalam loyang (tekan dan ratakan) untuk dikukus dengan lapisan custard. (I only use a 5 or was it 6inch loyang je for this recipe).
4. Using just a blender, sebatikan bahan-bahan untuk lapisan custard.
5. Tapiskan dan tuang bahan custard tadi ke atas lapisan pulut di dalam loyang.
6. Kukus lebih kurang 20-30minit dalam rice cooker. Siap!

Easy peasy.
Try it.

Today I made it in PINK!

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