Forward folding at its best

by - 9:07 AM

Day xx of yoga - unable to exactly count how many days since I first started doing yoga considering I've stopped for a period of time every couple of weeks - I could say I'm slowly getting there, getting much stronger and more flexible as day goes by. A little slow progress on stability though, I guess I've lost my centre of gravity post-ceasarean if that's even a possibility.

Back in the first few days, I couldn't even reach my ankles, let alone my toes during a forward fold. I couldn't even hold a 10 seconds plank. I couldn't even do a simple flow nor a proper downdog.

Today, I'm pretty impressed of how far I've achieved eventhough I know it is not much to be really proud of compared to other yogis, but at least I know that I'm slowly progressing at my own pace. Not that I'm desperately aiming to be doing the full splits or the headstand anytime soon so yeah, I'm still happy with my level of achievement nevertheless.

No, no photos of my yoga progressions. I'm still so flabby and unfit to post a photo of myself in sweat. So not pleasing to the eyes.

I even started to do daily morning jogs after Mayesa's school run in the morning. My pace was just about to increase after a week of doing so but it abruptly came to a halt after the car accident I had the other day.

Yes we, as in the kids and I were involved in a little accident which I rather not elaborate here. Alhamdulillah we are fine, except for the car, which we're still waiting for the car service centre to finally let us send for repair works once our slot is made available.

The accident caught me in a traumatic state for a couple of days, that I dare not drive out much hence the end of my morning jog at the park. Yes, I could have just continued on with it, to jog, around my neighborhood but the shocking state that I was in really killed my mood and determination to jog and to even be outside of the house, even after almost a month since the accident happened.

Yoga in the comfort of my own home is the best, the safest. I'm going to commit to it - just yoga for now, although I'm gaining quick interest to be trained by my husband at the gym which I am planning to join soon once I've figured out the best schedule and the best babysitter to my second-born for a couple of hours a day.

But first, I need to get myself a new yoga mat as this current one is losing its grip and getting more slippery each day. Kids have been using it as their play mat at times too - as their own yoga mat when they decided to join me sometimes, also as their imaginary magic carpet - so yes I do need to get myself a new yoga mat pronto.

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