Random talk

by - 7:18 PM

Disclaimer :  This could be a sensitive issue to some. So move along now if you think you'd throw me shits for this general opinion of mine. I don't need more negativity in my life.

A friend recently asked me,

What made you wear your scarf? Were there times whenever you feel like taking it off? Was there like a force or some sort, because most of our friends who's gotten married wears it soon after.
I said what I had to say. I did what I had to do. Too sensitive of an issue to really talk about it on this platform. Some people will agree, and some will not and those would give me a backlash from sides, back and front thus I'd rather not say it here.

Simply put in general, it is a phase. A phase when you're trying to impress your Creator as well as your spouse. Even if one decided to take it back off, it is just another phase. Another phase of faith and istiqamah.

Whatever the decision one chose, respect it. There are ways to advice. Not through force, and not through negative remarks definitely. Don't, i repeat, do not play God.

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