I Smell Freedom

by - 6:22 PM

I've tried weaning Sofia a couple of times. Tak tertahan sakit badan, tidur tak lena, kerja tak berjalan. Stress, tahu? And when you're stressed, the milk supply goes down. Not that I have a good supply though; not  as much as the time I used to nurse Mayesa.

But that didn't bother her at all. I'm forever hers.

When I badly wanted to wean, it didn't happen. Now that I played it cool, like "yeah, go ahead. I'll just lie down for hours, don't make me get up to get anything else for you"-kind of cool, I guess she eventually got bored.

She is such an attention seeker, this little one. The lack of attention I gave to her might be the reason she left me off for something that's more fun. Atau mungkin sebab malam tu dia menyusu sampai tertidur dan gigit katup kuat mama sampai mama jerit tepuk-tepuk muka dia. Read:light taps.

September 8th, 2017.
That early morning feed was her last.

All I had to do when she asked to be nursed was to play-pretend my boobs was in pain because she bit me the previous night. She'll lift my shirt up to peek, then she'll just go "huhhhhh" with an annoyed face and leave me to get her bottle.

I thought nap time would be tough, but surprisingly caught her napping while holding on to her bubu(baby doll) that evening. Tidur malam pula she just toss and turn a little bit before she sleeps through the night. Never happened before, this sttn with her. Ya Allah, you are such an easy baby, Sofia.

I remember having quite a rough time weaning Mayesa but I did weaned her at 22months.
Now that it has been a week, I can officially say Sofia's weaned - at 21 months!

Now I can regain my good night's sleep.
I'm free!
(Prays that I wont be knocked up so easily again, post-wean)

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