Chicken Pox 30 tahun

by - 12:30 PM

No, you don't encounter chicken pox for 30 years.
My husband - now at 30+ years old, just gotten his chicken pox virus.

Nak gelak jahat, tak boleh. Nak kesian pun, everyone will get it at least once in their life.

Of course, you usually get it once at a young age, rarely later. Afterall it'll heal faster and better then comparable to your current being with lower-level of antibody and collagen; ambil masa lah sikit nak baik kesan-kesan parut cacar air tu.

That's what he thought. He thought he had it once, but turns out it was just measles then and not chicken pox. People seems to confuse between those two anyway. Hadap je lah gatal-gatal tu sekarang.

You can't escape it I guess. That's how important vaccination is nowadays; if you couldn't avoid the sickness completely at least you could lower the level of severity. Prevention is always better than cure. So do your part and get vaccinated, especially the younger generations - your kids.

My two girls have completed their vaccination course (toddlers' one). But that doesn't mean they are free of any illness, I know at least they're vaccinated from the worse. Whatmore with their own father who's suffering the pox now, I just had to bring the two girls away from him for some time while he is currently away at his mom's until he is fine and dandy again.

I did have the thought of "alang-alang seorang dah kena, baik kena terus kat anak-anak, sekali harung jaga". Ya Allah, bad of me for having that thought. Istighfar banyak-banyak. Hence, the strict separation.

Not that I don't or won't care for my husband, it's just better this way.
One, taknak anak-anak berjangkit; a little separation is best.
Two, his mom has the time to care for him better compare to myself who's busy managing the two girls every minute.

Hope he gets better soon. In shaa Allah.

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