First day of school
So Mayesa has started her pre-school years.
Prim and proper for school |
So we made a stop at McDonald's for coffee, and milo.
We arrived just minutes before her school starts.
She was seated with a group of girls, whom she (rather)quickly became friends with within minutes. Alhamdulillah she is such a champ, following through her first class of singing, coloring, and writing. Of course we waited the whole two hours outside her classroom on her very first day of school; and she kept waving and giving us a thumbs up to tell us that she's doing fine.
She told me she didn't cry, but she did have a pool in her eyes when we waved goodbye. Just a little, normal anxiety.
We are proud parents.
So proud.
Syukur, Alhamdulillah.
She's done with her two days' orientation, and tomorrow is the beginning of it all.
No more sending her right to her classroom and no more waiting outside her class.
I hope she'll be alright.
I know she'll be alright.
Proud. Proud. Proud of my little (grown) girl.