Sensitive post : Why I didn't choose an Islamic pre-school.
We're reaching the end of January.
And it is 2018, people.
It's a shame really, that I still get some raised issue; some criticism over the choice that I made for my girl.
Source : Google |
Why a general pre-school, not an Islamic one?
That building was supposed to be a church back then but the mosque next to it protested for it not to be one so it became a preschool. (See, we should not discriminate others in the first place! They'll be like "dah ada masjid, tak boleh ada gereja. Nanti orang pergi gereja, tak pergi masjid. *FACEPALM* Like, for an example, the most obvious example that seems to be happening these days : non-muslims are not allowed to go into a(ny) mosque, simply because they're non-muslims. *FACEPALM* 'pious' Muslim brothers and sisters, please stop the discrimination.)
She's wearing a skirt, she's supposed to be wearing a headscarf.
Chinese runs the school? Do they even teach agama there, or they don't?
What does she eat in school, is it Halal?
Her mates and teachers - are they malays, or of different races?
Do you really have to question those?
Do I really need to answer any of it?
"It is nearing the end of the world".
But it is not the end of the world, yet.
I shall point that statement back to you now, shouldn't I?
It is nearing the end of the world.
Look at you.
Firstly, why do you have to be so racist towards the non-malays?
What's wrong with having friends and teachers whom are of different races and religions?
Why would you just be in a group of Malays, and not mix around with the rest?
Melayu dengan melayu.
Tak berkembang.
Thinking and actions level stops there.
Although I do like the fact that an Islamic school teaches the kids more on religious lessons and needs, but that's that. Nothing else excites me to send my girl over to such a school.
That is why I did not chose an Islamic school in the first place.
Bukannya nak hentam kaum melayu sendiri, atau tak sedar diri tu melayu Islam.
Islam does not teach you to be racist towards one another.
Islam does not teach you to be full of hatred.
Islam does not teach you to disrespect others.
Jangan kolot fikir diri sendiri tu perfect dan orang lain tak; questioning and judging people.
I'm not that stupid to not live within my means, to let my kids and family live too far out of our religious ways.
Of course it's a good preschool, even if it was first meant to be a church then turned into a school. She's not enrolled into a church lah please. The school wouldn't still be there more than a decade if it's of bad reputation, you think?
Of course the school has agama classes for the kids, I even teach her Islamic lessons at home. Do you?
Of course the food they serve is Halal. They live in Malaysia, they are aware of the mix culture. They're mostly non-muslim but they do respect their Muslim students needs so why can't you respect them too?
Of course her classmates and teachers are of mix races, I chose her to be in that group so that she socialize with all. What is wrong with that?
Of course she's wearing a skirt, that's the school uniform. She's only 5, and she's an active child. Why would you want to restrict her clothing, her childhood, her imagination?
We're not too far out of our Islamic ways, inshaaAllah.
Mind your own business, and stop the hatred.
Look into yourself before you talk bad about others.
Stop judging.
I am far from a good muslim but I thrive to be better.
I may not chose an Islamic school, you do.
I at least don't disrespect others, you do.
Peace out.
Disclaimer: This post might be a little harsh and sensitive to some people.
Heck, some might even think I am aiming this particular post to him/her.
Directly or indirectly, maybe yes maybe no.
It is up to you whichever way you decide to read/assume who it is really pointed to.
Or shall I just depict it as a general message to all? You be the judge; you love judging, yes?