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There are some (people and times) who wouldn't be in agreement with you, with your choice (actions or words). They'd go against you no matter how you wish to stand on your own ground, they will always want to win the battle. Macam kacau sangat hidup diorang ni dengan your existence.
Mind your own business.
Tak ada guna nak berbalah dengan orang yang selalu fikir dia je betul, dia je in control.
You just walk away from negativity that could bring you down, and you just do you.
You can never please anyone else up to their par, so go easy and just focus on your ownself.
At least, that's what I do.
Never been more happier and satisfied with myself.
On another note..
If you've noticed, I've privatized some of my blog posts from un-needed judgments. Those that I think would do no harm, stays. Photos too. You'll be seeing less, if not none in my future posts.
Oh don't worry, I'll sub it with other interesting medias or takes, maybe.
But still I will continue penning my thoughts here.
This is my bubble. My self-monologue.