Not my usual Raya prep
My Ramadhan was mediocre. The mood and the tensed situation I was having throughout the month got me into stressful tears a couple of times. My imbalanced hormone and rounds of almost-blackouts worsen the situation.
It's almost Syawal, 4 more days to it.
Husband gotten his new baju melayu. I forced myself to scout for the girls' baju kurung yesterday and today, but still hasn't got any that caught my interest. My baju kurung? I'm recycling last year's batik skirt with my sister's 4-5 years ago blouse. Whatever goes.
The vibe isn't there.
I am even forcing myself to commit raya in Terengganu.
I ordered only 2 types of raya cookies, and couple of instant raya food paste, just in case.
I didn't even bother about duit raya, which I normally is in charge annually.
Syawal vibe is stuck and lost somewhere.
We'll see if it changes once I get the rendang come Raya morning.