Rollercoaster ride

by - 8:36 AM

The previous post is not who I really am, or at least not who I intend to be.

Of course I was just being hormonal (who doesn't, when you just weaned your child?). Overwhelmed with mixture of emotions while having to do chores and handling two active toddlers equals to a cranky old lady who could just burst into tears from mental and physical exhaustion.

Errrr, exaggerating much?
But that is the honest truth.

I didn't mean to scream at my kids. But when you're 24/7 together, you just wished for at least a quiet moment to yourself without a single disturbance. I couldn't even have ample shower moment, or even a pee break without either one(sometimes both) of the girls knocking on the door or screaming at each other rumbling over the same toys or something.

i know I should control myself, and not let my emotions take control. I am trying my best but there are just some days where you feel down and becomes a bad mom, unintentionally. We are all guilty of that, yes?

But at the end of the day, you'd still cuddle and kiss your precious little kids goodnight.

And when the morning comes, just pray that it's going to be a joyful smooth day.

*buckle your seatbelts mommas*

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