Am I in the wrong?
I have this feeling, this guilt feeling in me from something I've done in the past and somehow am still doing it in the current time.
This feeling lingers inside me and I just don't know who shall I go to seek help (I know I do need help for this) and I don't even know how to start dealing with it in the first place (like, what am I supposed to talk about regarding this issue, am I being all silly for feeling this, am I even allowed to share it with this person, etc)
I don't purposely do it, or even like to be in this situation. I don't know, really. I know nothing how to tackle this situation. Well, I tried but of no progress. It's like I'm partly dead inside. Is it just me, or is it something or someone else? Am I to be blame, am I in the wrong?
I am crying inside. I do.
I need help.