After my previous post, I was approached differently by some. I was asked indirectly if I was doing ok, if everything good back at home, if I need any help..
I don't know if it was just me sensing the warm care, or if someone had been following my blog silently hence the unexpected treatment.
I appreciate the gesture.
I am fine.
Just the occasional overthinking of stuff, insecure about life and everything. You'll know something's bothering me when you see me snapping at every petty things, or just minding my own business without even the slightest attention - ignoring whatever that comes my way. I'll be exhausted and spending my day sleeping too, just to shut everything out of my mind - but that rarely helps, so I'll still be groggy and moody when I wake up.
I can't help it, I've been this way for as long as I could remember.
It's best to not talk, to not ask any questions. Just show that you care, and love, from afar. That'll do.
A care package comes best, I guess.
I've never really gotten any though.