The extras (classes) for your child

by - 11:04 AM

Mayesa's now in pre-school.
She did joined into RockStar Gym for a few months last year but has since terminated her membership. She loves to dance, no doubt; just that she couldn't find enough joy (particularly friends - whom were 'according to her' mostly unfriendly to befriend with), so yeah. Currently she's not involved in any other extra classes such as Iqra' (this, I'll teach her on my own at home), swimming, arts, music classes etc.


So here's my question to you:
Is it really necessary to send your kids to extra classes?

At the time being I have no intention or any plans on enrolling her for any classes outside of her school-hours. I strongly believe that a child can learn so much, but they only have a minimal time span to focus on one thing. She's only turning 5 this year and she has long (17?)more years to extend her knowledge. So I don't intend to rush her into things; I'm going to let her enjoy her childhood.

Just take one steady step at a time now will you?

I know it's challenging nowadays. The syllabus they've prepared and the results they're expecting from the young ones are ridiculous for the ministry to do so and for us parents to even brain them. Learning mathematical equations and extensive vocabs which we won't even be using much if not any in real life, that I don't see the need to burden them with those things.

It is like a war between those kids, and lead to an expected war between us Asian parents with a known kiasu-ness. Everyone is trying to compete with everyone else. It is a battle field, no doubt.

Chill people. Take a chill pill if you must.
Let them learn, and play. Let them find joy in learning.

A close example would be of my nephew.

He has school in the morning, agama(religious) school in the afternoon and tuition classes at night every single day in the week. Even on weekends! How do these kids absorb the inputs well in the first place. And how do you parents find the willpower to push (or shall I just say, pressure) them through it all?

Nowadays even pre-schoolers are being pushed to go into many different extra classes too. And no joke, there are cases where the young ones are needed to go to a psychiatrist due to depression.

Source : Google / Pinterest
I can't brain this.

I know I am still in the early stage of having a child who just started schooling.
Maybe I am (still) too laidback with my parenting, but does that mean my child won't excel much and advance like the other children? *cricket cricket*
I just don't find it necessary to send her to the extra classes at the moment. I'll let her learn and grow at her own pace. I'll spend time to get her involved with after-school activities with me at home, be it educational, arts, cooking, technology, sports whatever she feels like doing on that particular day.

Of course, there's absolutely no right or wrong way to parenting.
You do what's best for your child however you want them to be.
But would you just think about the child, mentally and emotionally, instead of just grades and just good grades?

This is just my take.
I know I won't burden or pressure my two daughters that much. As long as they're learning well, is on par with expectation and excellency,  and doesn't fall too far behind - I'm good. InshaaAllah.

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